- Jacob Karnas

A log of the happenings and goings-on of THE WORLD EXISTENT; wherein you may learn such falsified answers to your most intuitive questions as: 1. Whatever happened to the Lindbergh baby? The answer shall be provided! 2. How many licks does it take to get to the center of the Earth? You wouldn't believe me even if I told you... the answer is FORTHCOMING! Stay tuned for the answers to these most intriguing questions and GLOBAL EVENTS, as brought to you with all the flair of a filing cabinet.
I DETEST THE RADIO and most of what happens on it. Whenever I travel by automobile, I generally listen to a cd or music device. This hate does not extend to the MT Ironstag Show. Hosted by Murray (David Vick) and Flint Ironstag (Taylor Genovese), this radio program is not for the faint of heart. The MT Ironstag show is a mash-up between "local morning show" and Howard Stern; if Howard Stern was toned down to a two-and-a-half hour limit. Per week. And the FCC hadn't been notified (which they haven't).
With regular guests Manservant Jacoby (Jacob Brown), the hosts' Yugoslavian butler (who also has a strange affinity for cats: both the animal and the musical); Dr. Melvin Rosenblatt, Ph.D, a pediatric gynecologist (and also the Author's 'radio personality'), affectionately referred to as 'Dr. Jew'; as well as many, MANY others.
Although most of my Readers live elsewhere, it is still possible to listen to these grinning bastards of the airwaves. Simply visit: http://www.themtironstagshow.com for a live stream of the show Sunday nights at 7:30P-10:00P Pacific. That's 10:30P-1:00A Eastern. Again, that's 12:30A-3:00A in Sydney, Australia; 9:30A-12:00P in Thailand; and 8:00A-11:30A in India (for my two readers in Canada, two readers in Thailand, two readers in India, 5 readers in Australia and 132 readers in the United States that ARE NOT in Arizona).
Listen to them and be AMAZED. You'll feel better about yourself.
[That is all]
New entries will be added at least three times a week, but not exceeding seven times per week.
As a side-note, most of what will be covered in these posts will be outrageous tales sometimes involving the late Benjamin Disraeli.
contact: jacob.karnas@gmail.com