Carlin, known for his brash, edgy humour and gravelly voice, was reportedly admitted to St. John's Health Center, located in Santa Monica, Cali. He was complaing of chest pains and shortness of breath, not uncommon as Carlin had a historyn of cardiovascular problems and had previously suffered multiple heart attacks.
ALSO: As a final word honouring Mr. Carlin, "Fuck".
For more information on George Carlin's life, humour and career:
George Carlin - Wikipedia.org
George Carlin - imdb.com
[That is all]
Very well put, Mr. Karnas. Yours was much better than mine, even if I am winning in the content battle (although, I have lapsed recently). And is that eulogy quote from Carlin? Brilliant. A random Carlinism I like is "Notice you never get laid on Thanksgiving? Probably because all the coats are on the bed." He made it all make sense;^)
Thank you, Mr. McDonough. I enjoyed yours all the same.
AND YES: The eulogy quote was a Carlinism and my mother's favourite.
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